Roof Repair Tips

Roof is one of the key elements of every home or building. A damaged roof needs to be fixed as soon as possible because it can easily endanger the safety of you and people living under it. I'm going to show you some easy tips that you can use to repair your roof momentarily before contacting a roofing contractor. Note that before climbing on the roof, it is important to know that the roof can be very slippery especially on wet tile. There are other potential dangers from power lines, tree branches and ladders. Roof Services

Roof repairs should be made from the outside

On the outside of your roof, ensure to use tar paper or plastic sheeting to prevent water and dust from penetrating. The smaller holes should be patched by a trowel so as to spread roof cement over them. From the inside of your home, you can set up a bucket under the leaky area in order to relieve water pressure. Roof Repair

Plastic sheeting

Plastic sheeting is another important temporary measure. Take a heavy plastic sheet and use a roofing nail to fasten it around the hole. Square off the entire hole with a wood if you find 2by 4’s then cover the plastic sheet around the wood, and then nail the wood down. You can alternatively use cement blocks, sandbags or bricks to hold the plastic if you don’t have nails or wood. Roof Installation

Roofing paper

Roofing paper is also known as roofing felt or tar paper. You can apply it with trowel-grade plastic cement that is specifically built for roofing, and a trowel. Roofing paper can be found in any store that sells building materials. They are typically sold in different rolls by weight/100sq feet, but the most common weight papers are 15, 30 and 90. Roofing paper should be applied from the bottom of the roof going upward in overlapping layers that alternates the cement and paper. Roof Replacement